Fat Activism part 2

Part 2 of Rose-Eva and Lisa's conversation with Lauren Groves, Alison Tunis, Michelle Kennedy and Karen Kirkpatrick about fat activism. The previous conversation has been about the way that the medical system views fat bodies and how this perpetuates a lot of harm. In this episode, the discussion starts off with the question - what are the repercussions for being outwardly fatphobic( fat-phobia being the fear or dislike of folks living in fat bodies).
Part 2 of Rose-Eva and Lisa's conversation with Lauren Groves, Alison Tunis, Michelle Kennedy and Karen Kirkpatrick about fat activism. The previous conversation has been about the way that the medical system views fat bodies and how this perpetuates a lot of harm. In this episode, the discussion starts off with the question - what are the repercussions for being outwardly fatphobic( fat-phobia being the fear or dislike of folks living in fat bodies).

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Production of CJSR 88.5FM